Belief Statement
We believe that every person is born for a specific purpose in life. For that purpose to be fulfilled, we need to provide guidance, values, and strong support systems. We believe, now more than ever, with broken families, suicides, drug and alcohol abuse, and hopelessness, there is a desperate need to bring faith, hope, and courage back into society.
Mission Statement
Never Let Go Ministries will strive to create drug-free communities by educating and building awareness about the deadly effects of drugs and alcohol while simultaneously providing support to those struggling with addiction, those who love someone struggling with addiction, and those in recovery.
"Never Let Go
of God's hand.
Never Let Go
of the courage
to say no."
Never Let Go of this lifeline
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Mary Juarez
is a mother on a mission! After losing her son Marjoe to a drug overdose in 2010, Mary decided to dedicate her life to fighting drug addiction via awareness and prevention programming.
Hear Mary's Message
Meet Marjoe
A son, brother, daddy, uncle, friend,
poet, artist, bricklayer,
an addict...but not just an addict.
He was a beautiful soul who lost his way in life.

A Man Crying Out For Help
Marjoe wrote this in one of his journals.
He did not want to be an addict.
No one wants to be an addict.
Never Let Go Ministries is committed to
holding the hands of addicts
and those who love them,
so that, together, we can work toward
health, healing, and true freedom.
Marjoe's Artwork